Frozen Prawns: How Frozen Prawns Are Processed and Delivered

Prawns go well with various foods served in a salad or a cocktail. They are high in protein and omega-3 and easy to prepare.

Some people believe that fresh is always better than frozen. However, it is possible to enjoy delicious, quality prawns from frozen.


frozen prawnsPrawns are a delicious and healthy addition to your diet, but not everyone has the time to prepare fresh prawns. That’s where frozen prawns come in handy. They are packed fresh and quickly frozen right after being caught so they can maintain their quality. They’re also convenient because you can store them in your freezer until needed. For professional frozen prawns delivery services, check this out.

Frozen prawns are as good as fresh ones, so don’t be afraid to try them! You can even cook them in your favourite dishes such as Fettuccine Alfredo. Just make sure to thaw them properly beforehand.

It’s important to remember that frozen prawns must be thawed in cold water, not warm. When melted in warm water, the prawns will heat unevenly and can breed bacteria. You can soften them in a large bowl filled with cold water and change them every 15-20 minutes. It will ensure that your prawns are fully cooked and safe to eat.


Most prawns are flash-frozen as soon as caught to maintain their freshness while shipped. It prevents them from spoiling quickly, which can cause food poisoning. Look for prawns with a shiny shell and firm body. Also, avoid those that smell fishy or sour. These are indicators that the protein has rotted. For professional frozen prawns delivery services, check this out.

Ryan Chee, who works at FairPrice’s seafood department, explains that frozen-thawed prawns have better taste and texture than fresh ones. It is because they’re frozen while still alive, which preserves the nutrients in their unbroken cells.

Frozen prawns are cheaper than their fresh counterparts and more versatile in cooking. You can use them to make dishes like the popular Zi Char Cereal Prawns, a one-pot dish of prawns in a delicious mix of toasted cereal and broth with coriander roots and white peppercorn. It’s easy to recreate this yummy snack at home with the help of a few simple steps and ingredients!


Frozen prawns are available for a reasonable price. They are harvested at sea and rapidly frozen to ensure fresh quality and avoid rotting. The process takes less than 30 minutes and does not require any additives. The prawns are then transported to the processing plant and graded within minutes. Once the prawns are sorted, they are frozen at -40 degrees Celsius to keep them fresh and healthy.


When it comes to shipping seafood, the temperature of the products is crucial. Too much heat loss will cause unnecessary spoiling. Fortunately, this problem can be easily avoided by using insulated containers with gel ice packs instead of regular ice blocks. The insulated container will maintain lower temperatures throughout the 30-hour trip and prevent unwanted moisture penetration.

From a tray of prawn hors d’oeuvres to a platter of prawn sandwiches, a good prawn delivery will surely please your patrons. But to ensure your prawns reach their destination at the highest level of freshness, it is recommended to consider refrigerated or expedited shipping. This service will shave a day or two off the trip time and guarantee your seafood arrives at a cooler temperature.

Seafood has a short shelf life, so most seafood is frozen right after it is caught. It helps preserve the quality of the seafood for shipment and delivery.

Shipping containers for frozen prawns need to be insulated with a material that can maintain lower temperatures throughout the journey, such as aluminium.

Frozen prawns are ideal for use in dishes that require a quick and convenient preparation. They are a real crowd-pleaser with their rich, buttery flavour. They also work exceptionally well in a variety of styles of cooking, from steaming and grilling to frying and stir-frying. Rich in protein, fatty acids and B vitamins, they’re also low in calories and cholesterol.

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